The horn itself is old, I did nothing to the body but I did rework the Butt and Tip. When it came to me the internal piece of the butt was in place and there were leaks all around it, I'm sure it was a 20c repair. The piece with the threads, best I can tell it is 3/4 x 5 TPI, was glued into the Butt cap, there was no finial on it. The tip had a chip out of it about 5/16s wide. There are/were some bug holes at the butt that had been sealed up with what looks like a Brown glue, they were well done so I did nothing to them. The cap and internal part of the butt looked like they had some sort of finish on them, polly something would be my guess.
I started by coating the Two wooden pieces with paint remover and getting them stripped down to bare wood. Then the leaks were sealed with Bee's wax. I made a finial up out of Antler but the dome on the cap was to sharp so it had to be rounded. I painted the wood with Flat Black and sanded it back, the finial was then attached with a long screw. I had removed the threaded dowel, put some glue on it and the screw also held it in place.
The chip was filled with a piece of leather and the thimble tapped down on it, then pinned with Three steel pins. Coated the whole thing with Brown shoe polish and buffed it. Hopefully it will last another hundred years or so. It is about 12" around the outside curve and 3 at the Butt. Fifteen Brass tacks hold it in place.
Tim C.