I was going to sight in a new rifle today, The first, and only shot I made was a free handed shot at 80 yards on a bear target, it got the bear target about right where I aimed, and slightly to the right.
felt pretty good about the shot for a first time, until I looked down into the pan, and here I see a little trace of the shooting patch protruding out through the touchhole, I'm like what in the world!! Never seen anything like that before, I was using a .62 Cal barrel, a clover leaf shooting patch .012 thick, a round ball .600 Cal.
Just wondering if you guys ever experienced that??
I did look to see if there was any other trace of the shooting patch on the range, couldn't find it, and I'm assuming it's all in the barrel, I couldn't pull it out with the cloth puller I did have, so now I have to go home and see if I can't pull it out, I may end up taking the breech plug off.
I remember as I was pushing the ball down the barrel, it went fairly easy, but I felt like it stayed on the patch, so anyways I'm wondering what your input is on that, or if you guys ever experienced that??? That's a new one on me..