I tested a hot-shot nipple on my .69. It did allow reloading without removing the spent cap, however it also opened up the groups a bit, over a standard nipple.
I doubt adding more powder would have improved the accuracy as the gun has a wide range of loads that give virtually identical accuracy, but, you never know
unless you try. I didn't as I just quit 'testing' the hot-shot nipples. Still have a couple in the small tool 'kit' bag.
Lifting the hammer to 1/2 bent position is absolutely necessary when reloading this rifle, as the patched ball will ride back up the bore if the compressed air is not
allowed to escape at the nipple as the ball is shoved down. If I forget, the patched ball simply stops before getting to the bottom and as I relieve pressure on the
rod, the ball pushes the rod back up the bore. I bend over, pushing the hammer back to 1/2 bent and peshewww, out comes the compressed air as the spent cap
is pushed off the nipple - I then re-seat the ball on the powder and done.