I am limiting the class to four members due to space available. Members will choose to focus on Carving, engraving or a combination. In all likelihood we can delve into finishes, wire inlay and other side topics. My group of original rifles will be be available for examination during the course. Based on the expectation of four participants , I am pricing this course at $350.00. Should the enrollment be less than four, the fee would be a bit more per individual. Albany Oregon has a reasonable selection of lodging and dining and is right on I-5. Give me a call to discuss the class 541-941-0395. The upper photo is of carving on a recently completed Flower and the second is the nearly complete engraving on a rifle barrel breech. ronaldscottflintlock.com
The class is 5 days in length, and I anticipate putting in at least 40 hrs. I would like to do the class in January and am willing to select the week that is most available to the participants.