Next time you go there to shoot bring a couple of buddies with a pickup truck, rakes, and wheelbarrows. It's a ring shame to see areas get trashed by shooters. It happens way too much in my area to. Regardless of what kind of shooting you do it's everyone's responsibility to police the range.
You’d have to see it to believe it, Muskrat.
Empty beer bottles, used condoms, trash and refuse everywhere. I’m not putting any of that in my truck. It is an utter wasteland for hundreds of yards. Millions of shotgun hulls, spent cases, you name it. It’s been used as a shooting range (and dump site) for over 3 decades.
Me trying to clean up all that disgusting stuff with a rake and pickup truck isn’t going to happen. You’re more than free to fly out here and do that if you’re so concerned.

I pack out everything when I go. That’s about as good as I can do.