I have received several emails over the past few months from people looking at some of my old threads. Apparently the pictures were not popping up directly (shades of the old PhotoBucket dust up). You could click on them and they would open in another window, but it was a pain to do. Not long ago I asked Dennis about why some of the pictures came up and others did not. It had something to do with the link in the pictures having an "http" in it rather than the now required"https". At any rate, Dennis was kind enough to show me how to fix it for myself and I have been going back (again) trying to get all the photo links corrected so that they pop up immediately. So for those of you who have contacted me about the photos in the threads, please try again....the pictures should come up now. If you find some that do not, please PM or email me and i will get them fixed.
I would also encourage others who find that their photos do not come up to fix them as well when you can....I go back quite frequently to revisit other member's posts only to find that I can't get to the all important photos....
Dave C