Author Topic: Starting load suggestions  (Read 5204 times)

Offline OldMtnMan

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Re: Starting load suggestions
« Reply #25 on: March 10, 2020, 11:07:43 PM »
I can throw a rock through a whitetail.

Just kidding. :)


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Re: Starting load suggestions
« Reply #26 on: March 13, 2020, 02:37:07 AM »
I have been paying attention to the many posts about loads, so I wanted to check my measure for repetition. I have both goex and grafs 3f in different canisters same measure used, goex at 85 gr threw 76-78 gr on ten tries. Grafs threw 79.5-80 on ten tries. Puzzled I tried the valve and spout on both cans and found the same results, then I used the light loader spout on both and found the same resulting variation. The only explanation is the powder weight is different for the same granule size, strange. Grafs was made by wano So part of my group spread may have been the difference in the charges as I thought 3f is 3f except swiss which is known to be hotter.

Offline Daryl

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Re: Starting load suggestions
« Reply #27 on: March 14, 2020, 09:06:03 AM »
Differing weights thrown from the same measure have to do with granule size as well as the specific gravity of the powder itself. You would think that a measure throwing 78gr. 3F GOEX would weigh more than the same measure throwing 1 1/2F Swiss. Not so. That measure threw 85gr. of the Swiss.  Part of the Extra power of Swiss powders is they are heavier & if you are using the same measure, you are actually throwing more Swiss powder per weight. The res of the increase in power is that is the nature of the Swiss powder.

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Re: Starting load suggestions
« Reply #28 on: March 16, 2020, 10:31:48 AM »
While here, the average shot might be 80 to 90 yards, you may have to shoot 150 to make meat. It happens.
My rifles, aside from the .36's 35-40gr. preference,  start to shoot with 82-85gr.2F and do better with more. I am not talking about shooting 25 or even 50 yard targets, but shooting 100 to 200 yard targets - gongs and paper.  That 50gr. or even 70gr. charge need not apply. They not only lack the requisite accuracy, but the elevation required is excessive.

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Offline OldMtnMan

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Re: Starting load suggestions
« Reply #29 on: March 16, 2020, 03:09:14 PM »
My hunting distance isn't determined by the powder load but by my vision to see primitive sights. Then my powder load is adjusted to that.

However, I never took long shots even when using a scoped CF gun. There's no need to.

With that said. Our local range has metal animal targets (gongs) to 500 yds. It's fun to see if I can hit them with lots of holdover.

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Re: Starting load suggestions
« Reply #30 on: March 17, 2020, 01:03:44 AM »
I find the 14" Wide x 16" Long plate quite easy to hit with the .69 and the .577 Musketoon and yes, that is fun, both shooting round balls
 I do have slug moulds in both calibers, but do not see reason for using such heavy projectiles.

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Re: Starting load suggestions
« Reply #31 on: March 17, 2020, 01:44:59 AM »
Yes, I was talking about a .54 PRB. The muzzy range is only 100yds, so I have to shoot on the CF rifle range to play at long distance. They have a buffalo at 500yds, so it's not hard to see. I always get a cheer from the rifle hunters when I hit it. I'm not sure how much holdover i'm using but it's a bunch. There's a big rock on the mound behind the buffalo that's just right. I aim for that and hope there's not much wind out there.

I was using my old GPR which I don't have anymore. Wish I did. So, no more fun shooting the buffalo.

Offline Daryl

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Re: Starting load suggestions
« Reply #32 on: March 19, 2020, 09:45:38 AM »
We used to shoot at a white rock up on the side of THE CHIEF, supposed to be the largest or second largest granite rock face in Canada?? Anyway, up on the face was a triangle of black earth, with a seemingly white rock, about 15" in diameter sticking out of the dirt, right in the middle of the triangle.  Hits were easy to see and we hit it with all of our smoke poles. The range was 325yards according to my 1970's rangefinder.
Taylor smacked it regularly with his .62 Hawken and I with my .45 cap lock and round balls as well as my wife's
.36 Seneca with the 128gr. slugs.
We thought that was pretty strong medicine, for 2 young mounties.

"a gun without hammers is like a spaniel without ears" King George V

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Re: Starting load suggestions
« Reply #33 on: March 26, 2020, 06:05:14 AM »
   I think it really depends on what your going to use the rifle for.   shooting targets and or squirrels a load of 30grs. is plenty up to 50 grains for most rondy shooting.   75grs. or more for a deer rifle.   anyway 50-60 grs is a great place to start, why burn a ton of powder if you don't need it.

Offline Daryl

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Re: Starting load suggestions
« Reply #34 on: March 26, 2020, 08:00:37 PM »
I don't suggest (never have) burning a ton of powder, just using what the gun demands for the purpose you use it.
Much of this depends on what your requirements happen to be.
Shooting squirrels to 30 yards is one thing. Strictly hunting deer in thick bush is another. Hunting them in the plains or
across cut blocks is another. Hunting moose or elk is yet another.
Shooting targets and expecting to win, is yet another.
There are overlaps here.
If you desire the very best accuracy the rifle will give for target shooting at any range, it takes powder.
Yes - start low and experiment. Many people today (& yesterday) pick a charge and THAT is what they use
for everything. That's fine, but doing that and expecting to be in the winner's circle is usually only a dream.
Look up what loads the guy who are shooting chunk and plank are using.
They are only shooting 60yards.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2020, 10:08:35 PM by Daryl »

"a gun without hammers is like a spaniel without ears" King George V