Thanks for all the replies. I forgot to mention that this is very tight curl the full length of the thing so blades are in affective for the most part. They either skate or tear out. I bought a new Nicholson rasp and it is worthless . I sharpened one of my old rasps and it works but It will be a slow process. I’m working on 3 at one time so I have a lot of wood to remove. Building 2 32cal for the kids and restocking an old junker I have had in the corner for 50yrs. Milled this old log about 5 yrs ago that came in as firewood. Beginning to think I should have left it as firewood😓 . I’ll see if I can locate a Shinto rasp and see if that helps. I tried the stationary belt sander and that helps but I would be too easy for me to make a mistake.
I forgot to mention that this is very tight curl the full length of the thing so blades are in affective for the most part. They either skate or tear out.