Author Topic: Mule Ear (sidehammer) locks ???  (Read 5036 times)

Offline Skychief

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Mule Ear (sidehammer) locks ???
« on: August 01, 2009, 04:48:48 PM »
I hope to hear from any of us that have used these locks, as I am thinking about building a rifle with a mule ear lock.    What are the pros, cons of such ignition systems.   Are they quicker, more or less troublesome than regular percussion locks?   Why are they so rarely used/seen?   Where can a fellow find them for sale (I see none in TOTW).  Etc, etc, etc....   Any thoughts regarding the sidehammer (mule ear) locks is greatly appreciated.   Thanks in advance!

Offline Larry Pletcher

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Re: Mule Ear (sidehammer) locks ???
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2009, 05:22:39 PM »
Earlier this month Steve Chapman and I timed a small siler Percussion and  mule ear built on a small Siler plate.  The difference in speed was basically zero with the small Siler having a very slight edge.  Keep in mind that we only timed one Siler and one mule ear.  But, at this point I would not go to great lengths to fit a mule ear hoping for a big speed difference.  One additional point is that the ignition times are MUCH smaller than any shooter can tell  sense without serious timing equipment.  He may shoot it better because he thinks it's faster.   It's kind of like saying my Rem 700 is faster than your Win model 70.

Somewhere in the shooting topics are the results with numbers.


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Kayla Mueller - I didn't come here of my own accord, and I can't leave that way.  Whoever brought me here, will have to take me home.

Offline 44-henry

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Re: Mule Ear (sidehammer) locks ???
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2009, 05:56:04 PM »
Pioneer Arms has sold them in the past, I'm not sure if they still do or not. Navy Arms also made some briefly and the locks can ocassionally be found on Gunbroker. I have one of the Navy Arms locks and it's quality leaves something to be desired.

Offline Metalshaper

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Re: Mule Ear (sidehammer) locks ???
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2009, 09:20:15 PM »
I just make my own!

new one I'm building, outside mainspring.

My "Miss Muley"

Respect Always

< p.s.   I  thought heard Pioneer was not making them anymore??   but I could be wrong on that?? >

Offline Skychief

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Re: Mule Ear (sidehammer) locks ???
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2009, 10:17:48 PM »
Thanks for the quick replies guys!   Pletch, I have studied your results and can not thank you enough for the interesting studies that you share with us.   Good stuff!   Metalshaper, you make a fine lock....can you compare them and their function to regular percussions?   Do you find them to be superior in any/many ways?   Or, does it simply boil down to personal tastes?   Thanks again guys!


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Re: Mule Ear (sidehammer) locks ???
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2009, 10:29:28 PM »

Offline Larry Pletcher

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Re: Mule Ear (sidehammer) locks ???
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2009, 10:59:09 PM »
One additional thought is that they don't as a rule have a half cock position.  A friend thought if he took his hunting he would make a block for the hammer to sit on.  When he he cocked the hammer the block would fall away and be caught on a tether.

He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what can never be taken away.

Kayla Mueller - I didn't come here of my own accord, and I can't leave that way.  Whoever brought me here, will have to take me home.

Offline Metalshaper

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Re: Mule Ear (sidehammer) locks ???
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2009, 12:02:16 AM »
Pioneer still sells them:


 thanks I heard they had sold the last ones and there was no plans for more?? guess I was wrong??  appreciate the correction!!


 appreciate the compliments. as far as are they faster?? I really doubt that it is?? as Larry said on the one they tested it comes out about the same.  since I have no scientific data to present I'll leave it at that.

I will say though, mine do have a half-position!  my buddy's Marlow and Pat, have both used a simple fall away block.. and or a cam safety lever on the Muley's they have made.  A Side-slapper can be a bit dirtier than a regular percussion.  If I shoot my "Miss" for a long run at a shoot,, I'll have some debris and carbon down between the barrel and the forearm ( I don't use a flash cup on this one ) I also notice I have to wipe the cone off more often. I think they tend to trap a bit more of the cap debris, than on a regular bolster or drum? <in my experiences>

 They can also be a bit tricky to de-cock, if your hunting and are passing up a shot. I have years of experience with mine, so I can do it one handed. Others, usually end up two handing the operation.. In all honesty, it can seem a bit clumsy?  a few friends who have shot it, seem confused as to which hand 'should' cock the hammer.

I prefer using my muleys.. its just a personal choice!!

Respect Always