These books and CD's are well worth the money, especially those of you too far away to attend any of the longrifle shows. You will thoroughly enjoy these products.
Ordering Guidelines
Kentucky Rifle Foundation Educational Product offering
Ordering Guidelines
“Pennsylvania Horns of the Trade” by Art DeCamp
$89 plus $11 s & h
Moravian Gun Making of the American Revolution by B. Lienemann & S. Hench
$75 plus $11 s & h
An Intimate Look at American Long Rifle It’s Art and Evolution by Dave Hansen
$125 plus $7 s & h
All CD’s are priced individually. S & H for individual orders is $5. However, we can generally ship up to 3 CD’s for $9 including the cost of the carton.
Please send Check or Money Order to:
KRF, 17 Odin Court-A, Columbia, SC 29229
[Pennsylvania residents please add 6% sales tax]
To learn more about the Kentucky Rifle Foundation please visit the KRF web site:

CD IV Has 275 color photos of 20 great rifles by Western Pa. gunsmiths
CD V Has 220 superb color photos of 22 great rifles from the Shenandoah Valley
If you have questions regarding the books or CD email