Last summer I was to three museums, The Museum of the Fur Trade at Chadron, NE, the Davis Gun Museum at Claremore, OK, and Jim Gordon's museum at Glorieta, NM, about 15 miles SE of Sante Fe. Gordon's is by far the best. He has hundreds of original longrifles, but I was most interested in the two dozen Hawkens and that many Lemans, so I didn't study the Pennsylvania and Kentucky rifles he has. There are hundreds of them, and you can photograph them or even handle them. He has Mariano Modena's Hawken, and Tom Tobin's. Gordon is not into computers so you won't find anything in a search. To visit his museum, you have to call and arrange a time to visit. He is Jim Gordon, 808 Paseo de la Cuma, Sante Fe, NM 8501, phone (505) 982-9667. He published the 3 book set "Great Gunmakers for the Early West", with color photographs of many of his own guns. There is no ISBN number, foget Amazon, you have to order the set from him at $295 shipped. Here are some of his original Hawkens.