I not only use a bench for sighting in as I noted on page 2, but also when working up loads. I hold the forend at the same location as when shooting offhand
and rest the back of that hand on the bag that sits on my adjustable rest. I hold it this way, as the point of impact is the same as when shooting offhand,
for sight adjustment.
I use a bench rest for working up loads, to remove as much human error as possible - I oft times just rest the forend on the bag when doing this as that
bench position is usually more stable than when holding the forend. Depending on the rifle, the difference in point of impact can be substantial and cannot
be trusted to be the same as offhand shooting.
We shoot the trail-walk offhand, with no rests allowed. We do have a weak-hand shot that used to be sitting, but the log we used for that has deteriorated
over the course of years we've been shooting this trail. Thus, this is a weak-hand, standing shot. What fun!