The intent was for shooting at a 5 of clubs 5 shots total ....possible score of 50 5x
Because I jokingly made a comment about shooting at the small club if you want to, it was taken to heart by someone,
I've altered this post, since it reflected my frustration, more than anything else.
It certainly appears that the interpretation made by the majority of shooters was in line with my intent...this based on their own posted scores.
Altering the scoring based on my misplaced humour was a mistake on my part, and unfair .
The 5 large clubs are the obvious targets, 1 shot at each. Any other markings are decorative, and a hit on a small club is a result of missing the large club , so it doesn't count
I apologize for the misunderstanding, and hope that there will be many more targets posted.
After all, getting out for some shooting was the purpose of these matches