David, I have made several Catlinite pipes with pewter bands, borders, and inlays, it pretty easy. Bands, and borders are easier than inlays, but its all about the same process. Basically you cut your border or pattern into the stone, and then give it a little undercut to keep it in place. Now rub the inside of the cuts with a soft pencil, like a carpenter’s pencil. Next you have to warm up the Catlinite so the shock of the hot metal doesn’t fracture it, and the cold stone doesn’t freeze your pewter. I use file cards, or Manila folder material as my dam, secured with a couple of wraps of binding wire, and then sealed with duct tape. I like to use lead free pewter, or pure tin, instead of traditional pewter. Good luck.
P.S. I made a copy of a civil war button mold made from Catlinite that has made a bunch of pewter buttons over the years.
Hungry Horse