Author Topic: 3f vs 2f  (Read 2685 times)

Offline Gaeckle

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3f vs 2f
« on: September 27, 2020, 05:47:08 PM »
Having read several post's about charge loads and caliber size, I see that many use 3f powder in large caliber guns, 45 on up. I was taught that calibers under 45 used 3f powder 
And those larger used 2f powder. Out of curiosity what is the advantage of 2 versus 3?

Offline MuskratMike

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Re: 3f vs 2f
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2020, 05:54:51 PM »
 I don't know how much of an advantage it is but I only shoot 3F in all my rifles (.32-.54). I like the faster burning rate I get from the 3F in my shorter barreled .54 hunting rifle. Testing against 2F I found no accuracy difference and 75 grains of 3F gives me the same velocity as 92 of 2F. Also I can buy in bulk and save money.
"Muskrat" Mike McGuire
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Offline Daryl

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Re: 3f vs 2f
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2020, 08:23:21 PM »
I use 3F in my .36 & also used it in my .40 and .45, however in those 2 rifles, I also worked up accuracy loads & sometimes used 2F.
Years ago, I found that 2F gave me better accuracy in my .50 cal. rifles, than-did 3F, thus I generally use 2F in the .50 and above. At one
time, I did use 3F in my .69, but only for the plinking load of 82gr.(3 drams) Later on, I switched to 2F in 85gr. charge, finding it shot at the
same speed as 3F, but with closer shot to shot uniformity and produced better accuracy, thus I only use 2f in that rifle now.
I figured in the larger bore, 3F was just too fast and not efficient use of that rifle's 31" bl.

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Offline Hungry Horse

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Re: 3f vs 2f
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2020, 08:29:51 PM »
I use 3F in my smaller caliber, and also in my .50 cal. Rifle. But switch to 2F, or even  1F in my .58 caliber rifle, and 20guage trade gun.

 Hungry Horse

Offline Fyrstyk

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Re: 3f vs 2f
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2020, 08:58:21 PM »
I use 3f in my .32 & .36's and for target loads in my 50 and 54.  3f gets the nod in all of my handguns.  I use 2f for heavier hunting loads in the 50, 54 and in my 58s.  I find 3f has less fouling in target and small caliber loads, but I use the 2f for the heavier loads cause the pressure is less than equivalent 3f loads even when backed down 10-15 grains.

Offline MuskratMike

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Re: 3f vs 2f
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2020, 04:04:46 AM »
As everyone knows I am a big believer in 3F powder. Today just to get it out of my system I loaded up 90 grains, 100 grains and 110 grains of Goex 2F into pre-loads and went to the range. I do believe there was little to no accuracy difference and there was less recoil with the 2F. HOWEVER after about 6 shots I could barely get the greased patched balls down the barrel using a range rod (not a chance with a ramrod). If I went to 2F I would have to use a thinner patch which brings all sorts of problems. I swabbed the barrel and finished shooting the pre-loads with the same problem. I then swabbed the barrel and loaded up my 75 grains of 3F loads (equivalent to 92 grains of 2F) and after 6 rounds the seventh slid down the barrel just fine. 2F? Not for this guy! I will find someone who shoots a smoothbore and give him the pound of powder.
"Muskrat" Mike McGuire
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Offline Darkhorse

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Re: 3f vs 2f
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2020, 05:43:19 AM »
My experience pretty well mirrors MuskratMikes. I was a dedicated 2fg shooter for decades in .54 cal. rifles. Then I built a .40 caliber rifle with a Rice barrel, took it shooting and could hardly seat the second shot due to fouling.  I got by the day because I had an untried bottle of LeHigh Valley lube and that cut most of the fouling allowing me to load a few then clean.
Next day I shot some 3fg and the results were a lot better, much less fouling.
Still I continued to shoot 2fg in my .54 but I was told 3fg burned much cleaner with less recoil, and it took less to reach the same velocity.
So I gave it a try. That was 15 plus years ago and I'm still shooting 3fg in both calibers.
I also firmly believe that I get less recoil from shooting 3fg.
I've never noticed a loss of accuracy by shooting 3fg. Granted I've always done a lot of bench testing looking for the most accurate loads but I'm well satisfied with the results.
Plus I think ignition in my flintlocks is a little faster with 3fg as the main charge.
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Offline rich pierce

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Re: 3f vs 2f
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2020, 06:01:14 AM »
I know some elite shooters who take nothing for granted. They try multiple granulations and powder brands, patch/ball combinations and settle on what gives the best group. They wipe between shots so fouling is not something that enters into the conversation. Sometimes it’s a ball 0.002” bigger that turns the corner and shrinks the group by 30%. I’ve seen .40 rifles that like 2F.

Hunting and woods walk situations are different. I will say in big bore guns I’ve not seen fouling issues with 2F.
Andover, Vermont

Offline Daryl

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Re: 3f vs 2f
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2020, 10:48:41 PM »
Hunting and woods walk situations are different. I will say in big bore guns I’ve not seen fouling issues with 2F.

I have tried 2F in as small a calibre as .40. I had no difficulty loading, when using 75gr 2F GOEX with LHV lubed patched balls from .398" to .400"
with 10oz. denim patches.
The .45 was the same, using .445" balls and the same 10oz. denim patch material & powder, with up to 85gr. 2F GOEX.
I am currently using 85gr. 2F GOEX with spit patches in my .50 as well as up to 165gr. 2F GOEX in my .69, with .662" balls and .034" patches, .677" WW balls and
the same patching or with .682" balls same patching, spit, LHV or WWWF+oil on patches and as thin as .022" - all calibres, no wiping at any time  is required, with
 any of them and seemingly unlimited # of shots.
If your mileage differs, I guess you are doing something differently than we all do up here in the bush.  Same goes for when shooting at Rendezvous, with humidity
 as low as 6% or as high as 85% when it's raining - never needing to wipe during a shooting session.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2020, 02:15:38 AM by Daryl »

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Offline hanshi

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Re: 3f vs 2f
« Reply #9 on: October 01, 2020, 12:40:10 AM »
I use 3F in all calibers, even the .62 smoothbore.  But I've burned lots of 2F over the years and can't swear one is more accurate than the other.  My .50 does like a light target load of 30 grains of 2F.  I've never noticed any particular difference in fouling with the two powders.  Maybe because I like rather tight loads.
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Offline wolf

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Re: 3f vs 2f
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2020, 03:12:56 AM »
each rifle is different, you just have to try and see what it likes. my 62 jaeger likes 3f but my 54 southern rifle eats 2f like candy. and my 40 gets 3f,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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Re: 3f vs 2f
« Reply #11 on: October 02, 2020, 11:08:06 PM »
I started with 3F in the mid 70's.  It has been accurate in my 45 and 50's. Jeff