Jeez o Pete..., thanks very much, all..., really appreciate it!
Richard..., I don’t believe I have any photos of the front sight, sorry... Here are two of the rear sight:
Dave..., thanks! I did not cast the furniture, other than the wrist inlay. Btw, I used your wood screw soldered to the underneath of the inlay trick to secure it in place. Excellent method! I did chisel the side plate design from a piece of steel. The muzzle cap is horn, per every original I’ve personally ever seen. I stole the idea of the jag holder in the box, so can’t take credit for that one. Thanks again!
Acorn20..., I had no idea I’d made that much of a pest 🤣🤣
Again, many thanks to all! It means a lot coming from a group of people like yourselves!