Some pics of projects:
This is what I call a Boot Bowie. It has a sheath that can be worn either on the belt or on the neck. Damascus blade, mule deer haft, brass guard and butt cap.
I made this from a file. It is razor sharp. Purple heart scales (I think). I found the sheath in a wickiup at the Sacajawea Center in the Spring, having spent the winter under about a foot of snow. It was an un-finished "kit" that I thought would be perfect for my file knife.
An effigy knife. Damascus blade, "George Washington" portrait. Sheath was a gift from Rick Lindsey, made by his wife.
Neck Bowie. My wife's knife. Rawhide sheath with trade braid edge binding.
Braintan pouch holding (one of my) flint and steel kits. Pouch and beadwork by my wife, braintan by me.
A buffalo horn spoon with eagle effigy and white bead eye. A Valentine gift to my wife.
An obsidian neck knife (made by me) styled after one I saw worn by Alice T., member of the Women of the Fur Trade.
Thanks for looking.