I do a lot of building for serious re-enactors (ie those that don't show up with T/C Hawkens at F&I war events) and wanted to build something a little different, representing a possible rebuild of an old worn out militia musket for trade or sale to settlers. Black Walnut stock, Rice 10 ga smoothbore barrel, TRS Dog lock, buttplate and trigger guard from sheet brass. Basically this is derived from the first example in Neumanns Battle Weapons of the American Revolution (1MM) with a shorter barrel.
The buttplate is nailed on with handmade nails. (The nails are aligned the angle of the picture makes them look cattywompus)
Simple sheet brass side plate
Something tricky with these types of builds is getting the proper "look" to them. Not sure how close I got with this one, although I like it. Jim Kibler once mentioned how he was striving for a "workmanlike" appearance in his builds and that in some ways, that can be more difficult than doing a perfectly made specimen. A gun like this would have been made quickly and cheaply, but by someone who knew what he was doing. He would not go for a perfect finish with perfectly polished brass or metal and perfect inlets. For us, a conundrum is that our customers have much higher expectations than for example, a poor farmer, moving west after being released from his indenture would have.