Hey, we all need to have fun occasionally . . . but
The OP asked a serious question, and the first responses dealt with that topic, offering anywhere from one lock to many year's experience.
Then the off topic remarks began. Maybe a variation on what Mom used to tell us should apply here - "if you don't have anything to say, don't say it". Or maybe we start a heading for the good old boys to kid around, and trade inside jokes?
I have heard from alr readers that the site is slipping the last year or two. Still many good topics and much good info. But some new folks feel the need to post a short, meaningless comment like "me, too" or "that is great" with every topic, and older members also post some unrelated or sarcastic comment on nearly every post. Are folks wanting to get the numbers up after their name? Hero member might be a good thing, or just long winded?
OK, I am not a host, just like to tune in and see what I can learn. And sort through the fluff. Still a great site, and thanks to all. Merry Christmas, and a much brighter, healthier and happier new year! Grumpy ole Bob.