That does it. I have one barrel not yet coned, an A-wt .40. I'm doing it TODAY. Just hadn't got to it.
Actually there is another that isn't coned, but it's a .25 with lots of steel in it, and loads are 18 gr of FFFg. Even then, distractions are the enemy.
Think it over, folks. I've shot at various ranges and clubs, and one in particular seemed to have evolved a club culture of humor and grab-a$$ at the firing line. I didn't like it--I didn't feel like I was in control.
And GET THIS STRAIGHT. It is total BS that you can effectively MULTI-TASK. Research shows you can't. At least not effectively. Distractions hurt performance, driving or whatever. Even listening to the radio while driving will reduce your effective focus. Even talking with a passenger will contribute an element of distraction. And kids in the back seat? You bet. Some will argue that it doesn't affect THEM, but put them in a controlled research situation, and it bloody well will.
I don't want the cardiac surgeon playing scrabble with the anesthetist while doing a triple-bypass on me.