Panzerschwein, if you were inferring to “snap”was to disrespect the others who commented on this topic. Not by any means was that my intent. My intent was to let those who commented know that the person who paid that amount for that gun, was not a new collector, or foolish. The fact is he has been collecting since the late 1960’s. And is well known to most members of the KRA, the CLA, Knoxville show, Lake Cumberland, Alabama show, and the Va. shows. So when I said worry not they would see this weapon, I can assure you it will be at those shows, in the condition as seen on the auction site, only the lock will be on it. A good untouched artifact should be appreciated for what it is, not be determined by the pedigree of the person who owns it. This man has owned some of the best, but I’m glad he is just another old porch dog and I call him friend.
And as Forrest Gumph said, “ And that’s all I’m gonna say about that”