Seems like your looking for a muzzle loader target gun. Question I have is how far down the rabbit hole do you want to go? The club I shoot at is into shooting one hole groups, so here we go. Just going to tell you what we do here, you decide if it's worth it. Wipe between shots, swiss powder, white lightening touch hole liner, adjustable rear sight for 100 yds. (Micro 1911 a good one), teflon coated patch ( allows for more lead/closer to bore dia.). We go with more lead less patch to fill the bore vs. smaller ball and fill with more patch. Set triggers, smaller caliber (.40 vs. .50) heavier vs. lighter gun approaching 10lbs., wind flags. We weigh and indicate the ball, staying with the line of thinking if you want to do the same down ranch (same/one hole ) you must do the same at the loading bench every time. JB the bore after every 100 shots.
Indicated balls so they go in the barrel the same way every time. It doesn't end all done with keeping the theme " if you want to do the same down range/one hole , you have to do the same at the loading bench, every time).
At Friendship top offhand shooters, .40cal. , 10-12 lbs. gun weight (Tim Marsh 1 1/8 " barrel cut down to 36-38", get weight and ball leaves barrel sooner with shorter barrel. , white lightening touch hole liner, Null-B, Don Warner set triggers
. I put these pics in for you Bob , don't know if you ever heard of or saw them.
You push the front trigger forward to set and shoot with the rear trigger.
To summarize :
+ smaller caliber
+ heavier then lighter gun , at least approaching 10 lbs.
+ get this book
+ stand in the same spot every time you shoot at the same target
+ White lightening touch hole liner
+ straight barrel
+ set triggers
+ shoot with people better then you
+ practice, practice and then practice some more ( if you can't get to the range shoot a good air rifle pellet gun in the cellar every day!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope this helps with some more info. One more thing , how much do you want it shooting one hole groups or close to that is lots of fun for me. Unfortunately I need to work for a living , gets in the way. I have my own business (farm) , six children and on and on, you need to stay disciplined. I try and shoot at least every week at the range and consider myself a good shot. I think going from average to good is easier than going from good to great. Every now and then I have a great shoot but most are just good. I enjoy it , know my limitations and compete against me. Here is a target I shot last Sunday
, 50yds. off hand, 22 shots not bad but needs to be better to consistently win here ( my club). Yes, I do try and win, if your keeping score your playing to win, you can't look at it any other way. I can have lots of fun trying to win. If we are shooting for fun and not trying to be first take the scores out of it.There are times at our club where a 50 3X won't even place at 50 yds. cross sticks. I keep shooting cause I really enjoy it and have had the privilege of knowing plenty of good people willing to share knowledge. StevenV