All the pins in all my builds are made from .0625 dia music wire and the reason it's used .....just cut off , bevel the ends and push in and I buy it at Ace hardware. The fit in a hole drilled w/ a 1/16 drill is always perfect. I use an old pliers that has a side cutter and doesn't chip or dent from the music wire. Bought a new side cutters and the first cut ruined the cutting edges { modern tools aren't as good sometimes}. Music wire is low priced , hardened, consistent in size and screwing around as w/ a nail. .....Whether it was used years ago is a non-factor.....most MLer building today doesn't use "tools of yore". The drift I use is made from a length of Allen wrench ...the corners are slightly filed for a nice fit and it's pressed into a square length of 1/2" square brass. ....Fred