I send the blank as rec'd to Dave Rase and he inlets the bbl and does the RR work. When I receive the blank from him I saw out the stock to my layout lines ....the top of what will become the forestock has been dome by Dave when inletting the bbl and I tell him to cut it 1/32" below the bbl centerline { on certain styles I later cut this surface 1/16" below bbl centerline} and the bottom of the upper forestock is also cut but needs further wood removal and later on is cut so the RR groove is 1/32" shallower.
The two areas that I do square up w/ the forestock top surface are for the lockplate and sideplate. Otherwise I don't square up other surfaces because shortly they'll become shaped. I do lay a long straight edge on the top of the forestock at the breech when inletting the Bplate but the Bplate toe is kicked in so the 3/16" cast off is non existent on the toeline.
The shaping is done by "eyeball" so in effect, I don't square up much of the blank/stock. All the holes for the pins for the bbl lugs, RR pipes, trigger pivot and lock bolts are done in the drill press. The bbl/stock ass'y is clamped in a very accurate vise w/ the top bbl flat against the permanent jaw. My drill press table has a re-inforced 3'X5' sheet of 3/4" thick plywood bolted on to accommodate a LR ass'y.
Squaring up surfaces takes time so if one can eliminate this, a lot of time is saved. But, there are many ways to do things and mine is only one way.....Fred