That bear ate a lot of Honey Buns for sure. Hard to believe that was dressed weight. Here in NC we had the world record Black bear at 885 lbs whole so I guess it's no longer the record. At the price of bear grease you could get rich shooting a big fat bear.
There was a black bear shot (saw pictures) on Graham Island on the then Queen Charlotte Islands of BC, now Haida Gwaii, that ran 875 or 885lbs. on a logging camp's beam scale, up in the Jescatla logging area.
I saw one black bear rug that was almost 9 feet, at a fellow's house in Masset, on Graham Island. That would have been mid 70's & a huge bear, never measured. As far as black bears go, book records are skull measurements.
I've heard of the extra large bears of Pennsylvania, weighing in over 800pounds, every fall. No reason why North Carolina down through Florida wouldn't have them too.
The black bears of the islands are out-sized, compared to the inland bears.
There, they eat salmon, shell fish and runty deer all year long, as well as the lush vegetation.