Author Topic: Blank Flash Hole Liners?  (Read 4304 times)

Candle Snuffer

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Blank Flash Hole Liners?
« on: September 19, 2009, 03:58:20 PM »
Has anyone changed their flash hole liner location after reading Larry Pletcher's findings;

I know Larry has posted results of his tests here at ALR in the past, and after looking at these photo's of ignition verse flash hole location, it does get a person wondering about changing the location of their rifle's flash hole.

This information also got me to thinking...  Does anyone make a 'blank' flash hole liner (1/4x28, 5/16x24) in which one could install and drill the new flash hole location if they so desired?

I have already done this with one rifle, (making my own blank flash hole liner - then locating a new hole.  However, I wonder about those who don't or can't make their own flash hole liner?  How would they take advantage of this new information about the flash hole location if they decided to do so?

I guess what I'm getting at, will anyone be making & marketing blank flash hole liners in the near future?

A side note; the new flash hole liner I made, I located the new hole below the top of the pan as I just couldn't bring myself to go to the bottom of the pan even though that is where the best ignition comes from.

Offline RonT

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Re: Blank Flash Hole Liners?
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2009, 05:07:18 PM »
I made my own copy of the name brand liner out of a hardware store 1/4-28 bolt.  Wasn't planned, just needed to correct one of those "Aw $#@*" moments.  I indexed the offset cone to get the needed distance to center the touch hole in the pan.  In my case I only needed to move in a horizontal plane.
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Offline Larry Pletcher

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Re: Blank Flash Hole Liners?
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2009, 05:34:36 PM »
Candle Snuffer,
While the fire through the vent in low vent position is impressive,  The numerical data collected shows little if any difference between level and low.  Part 6 of my original experiments gives the number chart for this.  My conclusion was that the vertical location of the vent was less important than where the prime was placed.  Below is a quote from the summary:

I began this series of test thinking that the big variable would be the vent location. However, I am now concluding that it is of minor concern compared to the location of the priming powder in the pan. I still like a vent level with the pan flat (but) won't loose sleep over a pan a little high or low.

If your vent is level I'd be happy with it.  If it's a little low, I would not be worried because of what I learned this past year.  I think a vent can be too high, but the numbers didn't seem to hurt even though less fire seemed to be present.  Let me thresss this -- the times I got can be measured but we humans certainly can't hear or see the differences.  If you hear a "slow" ignition, it is a different problem - like fouling, poor spark production, etc.  I firmly believe that fouling causes most of our perceived slow ignitions.

BTW - that and 50 cents probably won't even buy a Coke these days. :)


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Re: Blank Flash Hole Liners?
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2009, 05:37:31 PM »
This information also got me to thinking...  Does anyone make a 'blank' flash hole liner (1/4x28, 5/16x24) in which one could install and drill the new flash hole location if they so desired?

I can't put my finger on where I saw it but some time I stumbled across some place that advertised vent liners with an offset hole, allowing for variation in hole placement...I'll see if I can figure out where but don't hold your breath

Candle Snuffer

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Re: Blank Flash Hole Liners?
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2009, 08:57:29 PM »
If you remember where you saw those Roundball, I'd be interested.

I wasn't really sensing slow ignition before I made the new liner, Larry.  I was what one might say, "looking for an edge" on ignition speed - though I've shot this flintlock and can't tell a difference.  I do put my prime close to the flash hole.

RonT, I made my vent liner out of a 1/4x28 bolt as well, and yes I to copied it as well, and off set the flash hole.  I came through the cone (inside) just about center.


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Re: Blank Flash Hole Liners?
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2009, 01:18:50 AM »
I've googled until my fingers are sore..."adjustable vent liner"..."adjustable touch hole liner", etc.....can't dig it up


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Re: Blank Flash Hole Liners?
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2009, 01:25:13 AM »
I have made them, especially for people that used to get those cheaper flintlocks to tryout to see if they liked a flintlock.  Also had to make a couple to fix my own screwup.  Really not all that hard.  Some use allen head set screws and reverse the head for the counter sink.