Great work, it's what's needed. I've only taken part in 3 such shoots/demonstrations with the public and the Boy Scouts. I have a very small muzzleloader (think BB Gun size) that I made for my son when he was 6 years old (now 38 years, 6'2") and that is what I used. At one shoot, a very young man came up, obviously feeling peer pressure, and took his place at the front of the line. I got him all ready with the shooting glasses and the ML and he looked around at me and said, "I don't think I'm quite ready for this yet". I said, "That's okay, let's wait until next time and see how you feel about it then". On another occasion, there was a long line of kids waiting to shoot and the person a the front of the line was a little girl with long blond curls. I got her ready with the shooting glasses and getting her arms in the right places to hold the rifle. She fired and went to the back of the line for another shot. When she came up again, I got her ready with the glasses and handed her the rifle, assuming that she had it from there. After aiming it downrange for a moment, she lowered the gun, looked around at me and said, "Aren't you going to hold me". I cracked up. It spoke volumes from one so young. James Levy