I worked at the gunsmithing/restoration & engraving trade first as part time for 20yrs then as a full time for another 30.
At no time in there did I ever consider me working in my shop to be any thing of a spectator sport.
No hanging around, I liked to work alone. Call it Hermitism or what ever but my work got to be well respected and I never was without jobs waiting to be done.
I didn't ever advertise. Simple word of mouth and the work spoke for itself.
I would pick up and deliver most everything at gunshows and the shops of some of the dealers I did work for. Later when full time lots of the work came by the BigBrownTruck.
Since it was a real business, FFL, sales tax, business licenses, 1040C all that. I had to charge accordingly. No $3/hr stuff though when I first started as a part timer, that was probably a good wage for a lot of the jobs at the time.
I got to the point of just quoting /per the job. In my head figuring an hourly rate which changed over the yrs but ended in the $125/hr range.
I ended up w/a very small circle of very good customers that actually never really asked about prices. They just sent in work and I sent it back with a bill.
Some were 'on account' and I just debited off their account as I went along. They added to the account accordingly.
Nice set-up.
No haggling over work vs price. No $#@* jobs. No 'Is it done Yet' phone calls.
They knew me and my work and if they had a spec request for a due date I usually could accommodate.
It would be extra busy some times and I'd put in 14hr days and more for a few weeks at a time to keep things moving along.
But generally a 10hr day 6 days a week was normal. I never had a standard work day plan. Usually worked mostly late afternoon till early AM.
Other than to go to a gunshow,,I never took a real vacation in all that 30yr full time work. Didn't feel the need.
Self-employed has it's advantages but you have to really be able to work unsupervised. Not everyone can do that.
Self retired now, I still take the occasional gun in for repair but charge little to none for the work as they are for old friends or customers retired as well. Or fellow weekly shooters at our club.
Lots of time to work on projects that have accumulated over the many yrs and never gotten to.
When I finish one, sometimes I shoot it a bit and sell it. Make a few $$ and move on to another.
No more BigBrown Truck deliverys twice a day and phone calls,,hate the phone.
It was a good gig, enjoyed it. But am enjoying the path I'm on now too.