I am of the opinion that Lyman had it right, when they printed their first BP manual - this is, when seated into the bore than removed, the ball should show rifling marks, not only form the lands but from the grooves. Whenever I try to skimp on patch thickness, I get cut and blown patches. When I load a thick enough patch to give both land and groove impressions on a pure lead ball, the patches are not only re-usable, but I've done that many times, re-use them, that is, and accuracy is not diminished and even after firing the second time, they are actually reuseable the second and more times as well.
I once shot a 5-shot offhand group at 50 yards with the 14 bore to prove a point to a fellow who was 'resisting' learning about patch integrity. I had him watch the patch fall each shot and retrieve it for me. I re-lubed that patch and used the same patch for each of the 5 shots. My group, while nothing to write home about, was still respectable for me - 2" centre to centre for all 5 - using the same patch for each shot. Spit was the lube of choice. Nowadays, I use windshield wasther fluid with a bit of body soap added to slow evapouration. My rifles seemt o shoot identically with this as they do with spit, which is excellent, BTW.