Lee moulds also have a sprue. That it is merely a flat spot on the top of the ball & not a projection as with Lyman and other moulds, does not
negate that it has a visual proof of the mould cutt-off - even though it is in the form of a flat spot. A measurement taken from that flat spot to the
bottom of the ball, will be undersized to the mould's designation. Even Lee moulds do not cast round or to the size they say. The odd one does
and I have had some that cast exactly the same from both cavities. Taylor's .600" Lee mould casts .608".
The only balls I have witnessed as being sprue-less, are those cast from Tanner moulds with the use of the wire strippers, to cut and
twist off the sprue, then if needed, a file is used to remove the tiny 'tit' that remains some times - it is merely tapped down with the wire stripper.
These measured the same, all the way around.