I was taught (by a target shooter) to always be consistent with technique, and always pick the vent.
After I shoot, I wipe the frizzen and pan first. I then pour in the BP, load the ball/patch, and seat the charge firmly.
I then pick the vent or touch hole with a brass pick before priming. The reason in not mainly to clear the hole. Rather, I do it for two other reasons:
1- The pick creates a tunnel in the main charge, thereby allowing the priming flame to reach across the whole charge, rather than BP burning across from the vent side. While measured in fractions of a second, in my book every fraction counts on target.
2- I can feel the pick go "cruuunch" into the charge. It is a test for me to ensure that the charge is fully down and consistently compressed. I have seated and compressed a charge in the past, dead sure that it was fully seated. When I picked, it didn't crunch. I went back and pressed harder on the rod, and sure enough, "pop" it moved another 1/8" or 1/16". If I had not picked, I'd have never known. It happens with me at least once each range session. Picking each time, at the point in loading and priming I do it, is my "insurance policy".
Hopefully this will help someone at some point. God Bless, and have a great day, Marc