See if this helps:
To add a Pic start with "Add image to a post" it is right below the box where your text and the Pic will go.
Click on "Add image to post" below Left.
You will see this:
"Drag and drop or paste images here to upload
You can also browse from your computer or add image URLs."
If you have the Pix loaded on your computer click; "browse from your computer"
A file will open and you will see all the Pix loaded on your PC, click the one you want to post and it will be highlighted.
Then click "Open" at the bottom of the file.
A file will open with your Pic in the center, below it you will see "Upload", click it and your pic will be uploaded and added to you post like this:
To check it click "Preview" below Right.
May take some practice but it will work.
Tim C.