Well, I think i could most likely do it. May not spark tho ?

But it is not a cheap lock & I don't want to screw up something I have to wait 6 mo on
part to replace.
Now if it were a Siler or something with readily avail parts, I could just call Jim & say,
"Hey, I need another tumbler", whole dif ball game.
I'm not sure I have the patience to build it. Oh I have honed & polished & slicked up allot
of them, but not built one from start to finish. What would really be bad is if I find I LIKE
doing it !

I have absolutely No Room for another hobby.
But I have decided before I do anything on this lock, I have to find a Fitting rifle for it.
I knew Bob was about done building locks. But didn't know if anyone else on here did or not.