Hey gents,
The paintings here are from a Frenchman Jean Bastiste Antoine de Verger who painted the figures in 1781 at Yorktown.
There is a bit of artistic license here, but a bit of detail also. Note the riflemans' shirt/frock, hawk, horn and bag.
Regarding the bag, it is very similar to a few I have made. That said, what do y'all think about the bottom edge of the bag? Is that "shadowing" effect, or does the bag have fringe? You might say it doesn't have fringe, but then, look at his shirt. Fringe.
I don't have a definitive answer either way. I am wondering what others' opinions are.
That green riflemans' hat is a riot. It may be correct, but looks appropriate on a lady at a fancy horse race. I also noticed that someone stole his trigger guard. Egads. Who would steal that?

On the artilleryman at right, is he wearing a belt bag in the front?
Many thanks, and God Bless, Marc