Author Topic: Cost of Membership to Gun Clubs  (Read 13667 times)


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Cost of Membership to Gun Clubs
« on: September 30, 2009, 10:26:22 PM »
  I think our cost is pretty pricey. Give me an idea guys, to what your annual membership is in your local gun club. Ours is $100.oo for single, $125 for family. I've been told that the average in British Columbia is $35.What' yours?

Offline b bogart

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Re: Cost of Membership to Gun Clubs
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2009, 10:29:48 PM »
Ours is $40 annually plus about 20 hours of volunteer work around the property (grass cutting etc)
Like my wife said "you can't go and do anything for $40 a trip much less for all year". Amen Dear!

Offline SCLoyalist

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Re: Cost of Membership to Gun Clubs
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2009, 11:13:40 PM »
Ours is $150/yr.  It's gone up $100 over the last few years to build up the treasury for safety improvements like berm renourishment and overhead safety baffles.  Range sits on 20 Acres, has a 25 & 50 yd pistol range, and a 100/200/300 yd rifle range.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2009, 01:02:17 AM by SCLoyalist »

Jim Thomas

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Re: Cost of Membership to Gun Clubs
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2009, 11:25:31 PM »
 $15/year at the "Pines".    

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Re: Cost of Membership to Gun Clubs
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2009, 12:34:06 AM »
Ft. Osage Muzzleloaders just 20 miles east of Kansas City 50.00 year
The Pistol Shooter

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Re: Cost of Membership to Gun Clubs
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2009, 12:48:34 AM »
An important question to ask is, "what does my club offer for the $...... annual fee."  Our current site of 108 acres on the (inside) edge of the city, has four covered ranges for"  Small bore (.22)  two big bore ranges 200 Meters, and 100 Meters, and a large Handgun range.  As well there is adjacent to these, an IPSC range.  All these five ranges have protective berms and baffles, and two of the four have buldings for storage.  These is also a trap range with five concrete  trap houses, and its own storage building.  Our Black Powder Range has a small grassed camping area, an insulated building with wood stove, and a 55 target trail walk.  The club annual dues of $100 single and $125 family included 5 Million liability insurance that covers our members when they are shooting anywhere.
I forgot to mention so have edited this post to say that we have a very nice club house as well.  It has bathrooms, a kitchen, and an indoor pistol range that gets used all winter long, especially by kids shooting air guns and .22's. 
Our current lease is about to expire in a few years, and with the encroaching housing development, we are uncertain if we will be able to renew.  Consequently, some of our forward thinking members have found a new Federal and Provincial Government approved site on 780 acres further out of town.  It is being developed slowly, though much has been accomplished already.  It currently has a five bay IPSC range, Black Powder area with a five acre camping field, and a big bore rifle range with 1400 meter capability.  This range shoots into a mountain.  
This club has over 500 members.  The city has some 80,000 souls.
Now, tell me about yours.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2009, 06:53:51 AM by D. Taylor Sapergia »
D. Taylor Sapergia

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Offline markwi

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Re: Cost of Membership to Gun Clubs
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2009, 02:49:52 AM »
Our cost is $50.00 a year. We can camp or/and shoot when ever. We have to be an NRA member. They also would like you to be a member of NMLA and Wisconsin Muzzle Loading Association. Our is a lease and you never know. Its a 40 mile drive for me to get there. Mark
« Last Edit: October 01, 2009, 02:52:46 AM by markwi »


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Re: Cost of Membership to Gun Clubs
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2009, 02:50:02 AM »
Good points, Taylor - not only the various ranges offered, but the insurance is a biggie, for sure.

Mark, what is the cost per annum for an NRA membership?
« Last Edit: October 01, 2009, 02:50:43 AM by Daryl »

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Re: Cost of Membership to Gun Clubs
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2009, 03:01:20 AM »
Daryl, I just got an offer to renew for $70.00 for 3 years That's not bad at all.
The other offer is $50 for 2 years. Mark

Offline bob in the woods

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Re: Cost of Membership to Gun Clubs
« Reply #9 on: October 01, 2009, 05:17:25 AM »
I pay $75  up here. A club I know closer to Kingston is $ 140.

Candle Snuffer

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Re: Cost of Membership to Gun Clubs
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2009, 05:32:00 AM »
Northwest Nebraska Shooter's Association
Annual Single Membership - $25.00
Annual Family Membership - $35.00

We have a Traditional Muzzle Loading Chapter (White River Brigade) that shoot paper and metal.

Trap Range

50 Yard Pistol Range

300 Yard Modern Rifle Range (Though I've used it for 200 Yard Muzzle Loading Rifle shooting.)

125 Yard Muzzle Loading Range (Which Can Also Be Used Out To 300 Yards)

5 Shooting Benches - 3 Covered - 2 Open

We have a club house with restrooms where we hold Hunters Ed classes, and club meetings.

We have loyal members that do pay their membership dues pretty much on time (125 members I last heard).

Our biggest claim to fame is that our Traditional Muzzle Loading Chapter (White River Brigade) are the only one's that hold monthly competitions,,, while no one else will step up to hold any other form of competitions.  (Ok in our book - it gives us the run of the Range). 

Many members have ideas to hold other types of competitions but they simply only present the idea and expect someone else to do it for them, so it never gets done.  This is very typical of the membership here who are not involved with traditional muzzleloading. 

Our club here is a club of convienence you might say, and is used primarily for hunters to zero in their rifle's, or test fire a new firearm they bought a few times a year.


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Re: Cost of Membership to Gun Clubs
« Reply #11 on: October 01, 2009, 05:56:44 AM »
$125 here in Cartersville GA.  $150 for family.  Primitive ranges in a cotton field. 
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Jim Thomas

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Re: Cost of Membership to Gun Clubs
« Reply #12 on: October 01, 2009, 12:12:13 PM »
Good points, Taylor - not only the various ranges offered, but the insurance is a biggie, for sure.
Whispering Pines Cap & Flint Club Inc. is basic.      Covered loading for 25,50& 100 yards.   Small club house that reminds me of yours Daryl.    Target shed.  Separate building for a kitchen with covered outdoor eating area.    Modern outhouses.   No hydro (do you folks call electric "hydro" in your part of Canada?).    Lots of camping room.  Modern and primitive  separate areas.  Woodswalk and Hawk walk.    I think we have about 80 members.   

Buffler Razz

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Re: Cost of Membership to Gun Clubs
« Reply #13 on: October 01, 2009, 02:04:15 PM »
East Aurora Fish & Game Club is $90 per year, includes family. Rifle out to 100 yds, 50 yard range for slug guns & BP, pistol to 25 yds. 2 skeet fileds, 1 trap field, archery course, fishing pond, archery cabin, nice clubhouse. 10 hours work required the first year. Approx 3 year waiting list on membership.

As a side note, Hawkeye Bowmen, my archery club is $51 per year includes family. 35 acres, always at least 12 3D targets out on a woodswalk course plus a lighted woodswalk course for night shooting "under the lights" shooting. Shooting platform resembling treestand shots, 3 open to the public shoots a year (compound or traditional gear) 1 traditional archery shoot and 1 primitive archery shoot. Members can shoot anytime, great clubhouse, full kitchen. 10 hours work required each year. 3 steak nights and an annual banquet. Put in 10 hours you get to attend a steak night, 20 hours gets you to 2, 30 to 3, put in 40 and you go to the banquet no charge. Work hours include work at the club, working shoots, attending events promoting archery such as youth camps, NWTF, Pheasants Forever, TU, etc.


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Re: Cost of Membership to Gun Clubs
« Reply #14 on: October 01, 2009, 02:07:57 PM »
just found one about 10 min from the house ;D 50$ anitionation fee 50$ a year or 200$ for a life time membership ;D in ohio fitchveile

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Re: Cost of Membership to Gun Clubs
« Reply #15 on: October 01, 2009, 03:29:56 PM »
Lima Gun club, $35.00a year, range out to 100 yards, nice facilities, usually have the range to myself.
Rochester Brooks gun club with range out to 200 yards, $170.00 per year, can be crowded at times.
Archery club, Avon Bowmen, $25.00 per year. Probably the best 42 target, field archery range in the state, membership is declining and getting harder for the five or six of us old guys to maintain. However, we are having a 3-D shoot this sunday, Buffler Razz, tell your pals.
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Re: Cost of Membership to Gun Clubs
« Reply #16 on: October 01, 2009, 05:20:14 PM »
Insurance during any hunting/shooting sport, no matter where - that is the 5 million policy we get with our membership and I feel it's vitally important.
I've noticed no one else has spoken about insurance???
I've also noticed the more developed clubs, more organized ones, have very similar charges to ours.  An $85.00 charge in the States is roughly equivalent to our $100.00 for single membership.

Offline hanshi

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Re: Cost of Membership to Gun Clubs
« Reply #17 on: October 01, 2009, 06:53:11 PM »
I'm only about 6-7 miles from the Rivanna Rifle & Pistol Club.  Fee is $100 annually.  They have several buildings & nice club house.  Ranges include a large indoor pistol range, skeet/trap/clays, 100 rifle & 300 rifle, plinking range, pistol and a multi-firearm "police" range.  I often have the rifle range to myself.  I also seem to be about the only regular bp shooter as I've yet to see any other muzzleloaders there.   One guy did come there with an inline and spent 45 minutes struggling to get 5 shots off.  He had trouble loading it & had misfires & hangfires.  My flint was dead reliable.  I sometimes help coach in the new shooters program.  Also may do some modern gun shooting, despite myself.
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Re: Cost of Membership to Gun Clubs
« Reply #18 on: October 01, 2009, 10:59:46 PM »
That is why we have to belong to NRA, the Insurance. Mark

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Re: Cost of Membership to Gun Clubs
« Reply #19 on: October 02, 2009, 12:53:02 AM »
My club is $275 per year and $110 credit for doing a work party.  It's almost an 80 mile round trip from my home, but that's the curse of living in a highly populated urban area.  We require NRA membership.  We purchased this ground when we lost our old location.  The NRA came up with the loan to buy an existing run down club.  Now, we are in good condition.  We have silhouettes and stands for them out to 500 meters, target stand holders out to 500 yards, a pistol range, covered shooting benches, A bunch of trap and skeet houses (don't know how many since I don't generally use them), a decent clubhouse, a couple old trucks to haul equipment with, grounds maint tractor and sand bags and target stands, etc. etc.

We are close to 800 members, but I never feel crowded.

We have a regular monthly match schedule that includes service rifle, BPCS, cowboy silhouette, rimfire silhouette, pistol silhouette and muzzle loader.
Mike Lee


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Re: Cost of Membership to Gun Clubs
« Reply #20 on: October 02, 2009, 02:02:31 AM »
Sounds like a great club, Mike.

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Re: Cost of Membership to Gun Clubs
« Reply #21 on: October 02, 2009, 02:25:29 AM »
I belong to Marbletown Sportsmen's Club in Stone Ridge, N.Y.  Our current dues are $75/yr. with a $50 initiation fee + a 12 hour/yr. work requirement for all members except club officers and "Honoraries;" i.e., those who are at least 65 yrs. old and who have belonged to the organization for 25yrs. or more.  We offer hunting on 115 acres, shooting at 25-, 50- and 100 yds. from a covered firing line, as well as various shooting events.  To wit, we have .22cal. bench rest shoots (7 this year); a Turkey Shoot once a year; an archery shoot (new this year); an annual .22cal. competition with a neighboring club; and BP shoots, the second one on October 18, 2009.  (See my earlier post re:  ML Hunting Challenge).  Our membership roll is currently filled and we have a waiting list, which says as much about our dues (very reasonable) and the diminution of places to shoot and hunt locally as it does about our leadership (low key) and members (friendly and helpful).  Check out our website if any of this piques your interest!
Paul W. Brasky

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Re: Cost of Membership to Gun Clubs
« Reply #22 on: October 02, 2009, 01:49:05 PM »
Hey Hanshi,
I was going to echo the same thing about RRPC! They also require NRA membership (I think for insurance purposes), but I don't count that against membership costs. I sometimes thought I was the only traditional muzzleloader shooter out there, but I have noticed patches downrange that weren't mine. Had the same experience with an inline shooter there. I used to live at Lake Monticello, but am up towards Ruckersville now (well actually, right now I'm in Baghdad, but plan to be back the end of January), so don't get down to the range quite as much as I'd like to any more. We should link up out at the range some time. It would be good to not be the only one smoking up the range!

Eric Laird
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Re: Cost of Membership to Gun Clubs
« Reply #23 on: October 02, 2009, 10:17:54 PM »
Elaird, do take care while you're in the wild & wooly; okay!  I do hanker for some ml company at the range.  I know only one other "foaming at the mouth" flint shooter but I visit him as he can't make the range.  The range is easy to get to so I shoot there mostly.  Holler at me when you're back & ready.
!Jozai Senjo! "always present on the battlefield"
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Candle Snuffer

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Re: Cost of Membership to Gun Clubs
« Reply #24 on: October 03, 2009, 03:33:40 AM »
I forgot to mention that we also require NRA membership in Northwest Nebraska Shooter's Association for insurance reasons.