... Greetings, Eric,... Are you near Houston,...? ... without holding your rifle in hand, I will not make a positive ID, but will tell you what I can from the photos,.. we need to see photos of barrel tang, front and rear sites, end of muzzle, and ramrod entry area on forestock,... initial observation tells me the gun has been re-stocked using a B. BEAN barrel,.. maybe even in Unicoi Co., TN during the 1860-70 period,.. many older guns were restocked as they got older and parts were replaced,... I can see some Unicoi features, and have a pretty good idea who the gunsmith was who did this work,...get as clear photos of the key areas mentioned and post,... I know an excellent gunsmith in the Houston area, who has a great old collection and has restored many old guns,...thanx for posting the gun, and I hope we can solve the mystery,... regards,... Dana Balinger,... (here is a photo of a B.BEAN with which I am very familiar)