Looked everywhere but none to be found. Anyone know what happened to them? :
Last year I sold allot of barrels, and I repeatedly told people there WILL be a shortage & there will be a BIG price
increase in the cost of a barrel. I was 100% sure it was coming, & it has. It was not a guess.
Building rifles is a hobby for me. In my regular line of work, I end up with allot of excess of what they call HeavyMelt
scrap, meaning it is not auto tin, it is heavy steel & cast steel. All should know, scrap yards play a BIG roll in our steel
production in the USA, be it for cast steel pipe for sewers or steel beams for buildings, or plate steel to build whatever,
or steel for a lock or a rifle barrel.
2 years ago I noticed the prices of the scrap going up again. Unfortunately for the barrel makers, this price has went
up & Stayed up. Right now it is well over double & may go to 3 times what it was 2 yrs ago. When it gets pretty
high & I have the time, I start hauling that heavy scrap to the scrap yard. It is going for around $320. a ton right now.
# 2 unburnt heavy copper is $3. a pound. Clean yellow brass is $2.20 a pound.
Point being, if it
was $120 a ton for the steel, and it is
now $320 a ton for steel, what is the barrel maker
to do ? He has absolutely No Control over the steel price. He HAS to raise his prices because the raw materials of his
business has increased. There is No Way Possible he can stay at the prices he was at 2 yrs ago & survive financially.
What I think is happening is the barrel makers are buying just enough steel for barrels ONLY for orders they have &
trying to survive this crazy steel price increase. If they build inventory on the crazy price of steel right now, they will
go under. Because the price will drop again to $100 a ton, the barrel steel price will drop to 1/3 of what it was, and
there they are sitting on a bunch of inventory that is now worth 1/3 of what they have invested in it. They can's sell
it or must sell it for a loss, because Joe Blow over there is selling his barrel for 1/2 of what his price is.
This will all pass eventually, this crazy steel price thing. But how long ? who knows. Maybe 2-3 mo. 6 mo, a year ?
And after it passes & the price goes down, it takes a while for things to settle down again, as that surge in steel price
has to be absorbed.
Look at aluminum right now. You can't give aluminum away. If you pick up aluminum cans, it cost more for the gasoline
you used than the cans will bring. I used to donate all my scrap aluminum to a local church & they would sell it to the
scrap yard (some call them Recycling place) & the church uses that $ for kids education. They quit doing it because the
aluminum prices are so low, cost more than it was worth. But that too will pass & it will go back up & level off.
I think all this will pass & things will get back to a somewhat slightly higher normal price & avail for barrels. But it
will take a while & it is anyone's guess who will survive it.
Unfortunately, for these new guys trying to get into building, it IS a big deal. For them the cost of a set of ML parts
that was $800 to jump to $1200, that IS a big deal to them.