I think once this steel price surge in demand slows down, the steel prices of course will
come down as well, and Then more barrels will be made.
The way the Price of the barrel to the consumer will come down will be from
Competition of the barrel manufactures trying to outsell each other
Competition plays a Big roll in price to us. If you are asking $ 200 for a barrel
& Joe blow has the Exact same barrel as you for $175., it’s gonna e hard for you
to sell your barrel. But if there is no competition, it leaves the market open to
what it will accept. Being a business owner for over 30 years, I have seen
Companies price themselves right out of business too, because they assume
they have the market tied up.
Companies sometimes get it in their heads you Must Have Them, Unfortunate. There
is always another company out there just looking for a slot to jump in. And they will
& do sometimes cut in & they May control the market if you get the big head & think
you can’t be replaced.