Probably a safe bet that all the parts came from Dixie. Lock is probably also from Belgium or Italian. It’s a pretty nice piece of wood. Might be worth putting it on a diet and slimming everything down and correcting some of the 1961 design. However I see your biggest hurdle being the lack of a proper buttplate (no top return that I can see).
Perhaps you could find something with a similar curvature to re-inlet with the top comb, if it has enough trigger reach. You would loose some in the installation, and the box would need bobbed a bit. If you can find a TOW catalog, they have actual size drawings of gun parts. Side plate could also use an update while your at it, and remove the spur from the guard. But that is starting to get into a lot more work for maybe limited reward, considering the Barrel and lock used and what you would have in the end. If you don’t want to go with a new Bplate and side plate, and the level of effort to make a few design corrections, I think I would probably just leave it as is and shoot it. To me, I couldn’t be happy slimming it down, without doing a complete makeover, so I would leave it alone. If your up for that, and you got it on the cheap, then go for it. My 3 cents.
PS - It’s never happened to me, but I hear about 20% of used MLs that are purchased are still loaded.