Kentucky long rifle, 1800-1835 (Later by any indication... ALR Committee), flintlock ignition, maple stock, signed underneath barrel: "Pennybacker". The gun was found in St. Charles County, 1960. New hammer and frizzen strike plate, flint clasp, ram-rod and rear ram keeper. Overall length 5' 1 1/2".

A suspicious lock. Fit is questionable and I suspect a considerably modified component. Photos hint of perhaps a welded area which would probably indicate original percussion. Still a fine example of a utilitarian rifle that's somehow survived a century plus a few decades.
First, I would say the entire lock is a conglomeration of modern junk parts. That said, the balance of the rifle is interesting. I'd guess, despite the PA barrel, that the gun might have Yadkin area of North Carolina roots. This is based on straight comb and toe lines on butt, small raised ridge at front of butt plate extension, and trigger guard with heavy front post and extremely simple joint between bow and rail.
The tang and butt also look a little Kentucky-ish to me as well, along with the guard that resembles a central Bluegrass area guard, but the triggers don't look like any I've seen on KY guns of this vintage, and the wood in the forestock grip area is a little deeper than what I would expect if it were from KY. As to vintage, I think we need to date the rifle later than what has been posted. I'd place it as an original percussion gun of circa 1840 or a little later. The lack of a cheekpiece supports this later time period.
The trigger guard is interesting for its almost flattened rear spur. While I have seen some made like this, I'd be more inclined to think that on this rifle the original inward curve of the grip rail might have been pushed out, flattening it somewhat, and causing the rear spur to become flatter with less droop than it originally had. Or maybe I'm just seeing something that really isn't there in the line of the grip rail! I might add that this general style rifle was also made (by transplanted NC and KY gunmakers) in Missouri. And maybe XXXX will tell us he's seen a couple like this from southern IL as well.