My expertise seems to be in doing things wrong. I started with LMF, first 2 coats were going well, then got too much steam in my humidity tent, it condensed droplets (I think) and started pitting spots, sanded off and started over.
Try 2, overlapped applications apparently equals rubbing that the instructions say not to do, got copper color, kept trying but after several applications nothing seemed to change. Sanded back to a very fine grit and started over.
Try 3, on the fine smooth surface rusting did not seem to want to start, suggestion was to draw file and start over, I did.
Try 4, after draw file I did a 150 grit and got started with a couple coats, but with all the starting over was then out of solution, ordered more and waited a week for it to show up. Continued on, had some small localized copper areas that I lightly went over with 0000 steel wool and kept going. Eventually after 9 total applications I called it good, the couple spots that were still not the same uniform brown were on the bottom so not seen.
So, tanks to suggestions from others, I finally had success. If small copper areas, card lightly and keep going worked. If all over, sand down and start over, but don't go too fine. Don't overlap applications. Be sure barrel is cooled to room temperature between applications (if you flooded it with warm water after carding, too warm is also a potential issue I hear).