If you EVER see this, buy as much as possible. It is phenomenal patch material. I just remeasured it at .023" with my 'current' dial calipers, compressed with forefinger and thumb
on the jaws.
100% cotton.
It actually loads as easily or perhaps more easily than 10 ounce denim, yet is .002" thicker. It is very soft (washed twice) and I used it in the .40 with .002" oversized ball as well as
in the .32 with bore sized ball.
Wonderful material and the stores here say they cannot "get it" any more.
This stuff shoots "The Best" in every one of my guns, with balls from .010" under bore size on up to bore size,
even in the .69 with the 500gr. balls I bought at rendezvous. I usually shoot .682's in pure down to .662" but using much thicker patches with those and the .675's.