If it is Investment Cast all these parts ML venders sell, it will not anneal. Heat it red hot & bend it, and as one said, it will try to bend at the weakest point.
If it is a very Thick guard you may bend it a little while cold. The they break too eash for me to chance, I heat all of them I bend. Same for investment cast brass.
Now if it is a thin TN triggerguard, you best be very Careful, it will definitely break. And that really thin railed one Drew used to sell, you will most likely break it anyway, as they are full of voids & etc. I sorted thru 24 of them on day that Tip had every single one of them had casting flaws. He said they were all that way & Drew was the only supplier. Ordered 4 from TOW, sent them back as same defects. I got so aggravated with them I just made forms & make my own now most of the time.