I've been told that the majority of the top offhand shooters prefer the 40 cal. Is this true? Anyone have any statistics or information to support this?
I doubt it. Some of the best offhand shooting I ever did, about 40 years ago

, was with a 50 cal that was at least a inch too long in the buttstock.
Other things.
The only thing that will reduce wind drift to any extent is ball size.
1500 vs 1000 fps. The projectile needs to be started at AT LEAST 1600 and preferably 2000. But with the RB nothing works. The ballistic co-efficient is so low that even at 2000 it will drop into the high drag 1600 or less velocity until it falls subsonic at 1050 or so.
What to do? Use the most accurate load. It will likely be 1600 fps or higher.
Judging the wind is critical but since a minor change will greatly effect a RB.
So, based on my experience, trying the beat the wind with a PRB is basically a waste of time. A change of a 5 MPH is hard to detect but it WILL have an effect on the RB and will likely push it out of the 10 ring and maybe out of the black. Its just part of the game and it effects everyone at the match. If you can put up wind flags/streamers and learn to read them and shoot for a condition.
I have fought the wind with RBs, BPCR and modern HP in various matches.
Wind at the firing line/first part of the bullets flight will have more effect at the target than the wind right at the target will.
AND the amount of wind drift is determined by how much TIME the bullet loses going to the target. And RBs lose a lot the BC starts with a .0 the better BPCR bullets run in the mid .3s and maybe .4 but the velocity here is usually right at the high drag velocity 1200-1400 usually. And they hold it for a time. Most ML bullets people might shoot are very poor but better than the RB since anything is.
So work on your offhand shooting, natural point of aim etc. And learn to read the wind try to shoot in the same or similar condition if time allows. Its all you can do. Caliber? Shoot what you like. For a 60-100 yard match rifle I would likely use a 50. But I live on the Eastern front of the Rockies and the wind blows here.