I didn't even like percussion guns all that much until I had a chance to handle one of John's halfstocks a while back. While his artistry comes across well in the pictures, what may be a little more difficult to discern is just how well they handle in real life. They are electric, in balance, just how fast and agile they are to aim, slick triggers and super fast ignition. You pick one up and you immediately want to go out and start blasting critters. While he has a deep appreciation for artistry, his guns are first and foremost tools and I think that is why he prefers the percussion lock so much?
While I still prefer flintlocks over percussion, I went from 95-5 in favor to something closer to 65-35 after handling one of John's guns. While the flintlock is cooler, there is a tremendous amount of beauty that can be found in functionality which is one of the reasons it is so disappointing to me that percussion reception is so comparatively apathetic.