Author Topic: Shenandoah Valley lube  (Read 3010 times)


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Shenandoah Valley lube
« on: October 24, 2009, 07:18:45 PM »
The Hoppe's #9 thread started me thinking about the Shenandoah Valley lube I bought a Dixon's, this year.

What is everyone's thought about Shenandoah Valley lube, now that everyone has had time to test it?

 I'm not real happy with it.

Fouling isn't too bad, but I can't shoot all day without wiping, as some folks claim. Moreover, the bore feels kinda grabby after a few shots, as if rosin has been applied to the bore. Groups aren't there either.

I guess it's back to  spit patching and Windex with liquid soap.

God bless
« Last Edit: October 24, 2009, 07:20:07 PM by J.D. »


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Re: Shenandoah Valley lube
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2009, 07:48:20 PM »
It works fine for me, I done 50 shoots out of my .45 and .32 but I don't trust it to protect as long as Lehigh does, oops, I mean did.



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Re: Shenandoah Valley lube
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2009, 10:20:35 PM »
I looked at the Shenandoah lube at Dixon's last July as well. I was going to buy a bottle to try, but didn't trust the glass bottle in my luggage for the 3,000 mile trip home so left it there.
Since it doesn't seem to matter what lube I use, I still get unlimited shooting with no wiping, I don't see why Shenandoah lube would be any different.

Hornady or Hodgdon also has a 'cleaner/preservative in a plastic or glass bottle that looks similar to both LHV and Shen. products.  Has anone tried it yet?