Full disclosure, I received a discount on this kit.
This winter/spring/summer (time flies) I built another Italian "hawken", this time the InvestArms Gemmer Hawken in flint.
Wanting to do something more with it, I opted to play more with the stock finish. I followed Mitch Yates' "Leman style faux striping" tutorial to give the plain euro walnut stock some flavor and then hit it with a heavy coat of Kibler's bone black to get a dark gun. The hardware was rusted with Mike Eder's "Wildcat Valley" browning solution.
I learned a lot on this kit and really enjoyed building it. Shooting it was even more fun really. I'll need some sight adjustment but the lock was nice and fast and I didn't have a hangfire at all, something I heard was going to be a problem.
I've got some pistol parts in the shop now and hope to make somekind of traditional flintlock pistol next, but with the new baby in the home that will be a ways off.
Happy to hear any feedback you might have, always ready to learn!