My .54cal. Isaac Haines (Chambers/R. Rice bbl.; Waksupi built) has been nothing but reliable, very few hang- or misfires. Accuracy, however, has been a bit of a problem though. Even though I use the .530" (home cast) RB and patch combination (.018") that Rice himself told me to use, I wasn't getting the smaller groups I'd hoped for. While the .530" RB and .018" patch is easy to load and accurate enough for [most] woods walk targets, I just wasn't enamored of the rifle's performance. Powder brand, charge, and granulation didn't make a consistent difference, but RB diameter and patch thickness sure did. To wit, a .535" home cast RB + a .014" pillow ticking patch improved things, but it was beastly to start and ram home, even with a steel rod. (My palm still hurts just thinking of it!) Things got so bad that I ignored the rifle until a few months ago, when I tried, (gulp!) a thinner, .011" -.012" patch with the .535" RB. Wow, what a difference! Not only does that combination load easily, but it is accurate as well. I've attached a photo of today's frolic below. While that's not my favorite target (I prefer it in black), I was very pleased with the 10-shot result @ 25 yd. Here are the particulars:
The Patch: This is "Sew Classics" (from Jo Ann Fabric) 100% cotton twill; two are attached to the target. It "mics" @ .011" - .012" and has never burned through even with heavier loads.
The Load: 70gr. Graf's/GOEX FFg under a home cast .535" (.537" in fact, Lee Precision mould).
Patch Lube: 1 Ballistol: 6 water. Patches were wet when loaded and no bore wiping was done for the entire range session of 12 shots
Prime: Elephant FFFFg + some GOEX mixed in.
Distance to target: 25 yd.
Shots on target: 10. Two additional shots were taken at clay pigeons I placed on the 25 yd. berm: Got 'em both, but no rest used.
Other: Shot from a heavy rest + rear bag. The rifle was position in the front rest exactly as I hold it when shooting off hand.