Had a very nice day last week. 45 degrees in the morning, 70 degrees by 11 am.
I was really scouting a place to hunt deer and decided to take my .40 skwerl rifle with me. The critters were everywhere. Mostly the Greys were scampering around on the ground. The leaves are thick on the ground and crunchy as it is still very dry in the Midwest. That and the fact that the Greys do not sit still for very long made them tough targets.
The Fox skwerls on the other hand are generally slower in everything they do. So, they do tend to pose for longer periods
The result for the morning was 3 Fox and 1 grey. I was 3 for three head shots on the Fox skwerls and 1 for 4 on the Greys. The Grey moved just as I squeezed the trigger and turned into a neck and shoulder shot.
Both types with their pea sized brains were smart enough to run for cover in the oaks that still had leaves.
I must admit that the little rodents are my favorite game to hunt.