Your rasp and files are going to be the most important tools when you start building. Don't go cheep! I bought sets and sets of cheep files from all the large retail stores locally. As a matter of fact, I was in a file, rasp and gouge buying frenzy for my first couple builds. They all sit in a cabinet to be used for making knives now. After a couple guns, I have one rasp, a couple hand made gouges and few files that are about all I use. Stoner Creek gave me a 49 or 50 Nicholson Cabinet rasp that started me into building and I use it a lot. I'd recommend both sizes. I'd recommend the Grobet 60° dovetail standard slot sight base file #1 cut from Brownells. It's a good smooth cutting file that makes nice dovetails. It's just a good all around file. I also have two single cut Nicholson files. One is huge, possibly 14" and the other is about 10". I bought them off ebay and they can move some metal or almost polish it. I have a Stihl flat file and and a couple different size Stihl round chainsaw files that I like, a 7/8" rat tail file and a set of cheep needle files. After 5 guns, I've had my rasp and large files sharped by Boggs and they are like new.